BNL Tech Notes

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Department: AD
3020 results found.
Title Dept BNL Number Primary Author BNL Author Other Authors Publication Date Submittal Date
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SNS Extraction Kicker System Impedance Estimate AD BNL-105708-2014-TECH Hahn, H
11/10/04 09/17/14 PDF File
Vertical Bump Effect at PHOBOS in Run-4 AD BNL-99330-2013-TECH Zhang, S
11/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Interpretation of desorption measurements for high ... AD BNL-99329-2013-TECH Iriso, U
He, P.; Hseuh, H.C.; Huang, H.; Ptitsyn, V.; Smart ...
11/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Electron Tracking Study and Catcher Design AD BNL-105710-2014-TECH Lee, Y
Mahler, G.; Meng, W.; Raparia, D.; Wang, L.; Wei, ...
11/01/04 09/17/14 PDF File
Possible phase loop for the global betatron decoup ... AD BNL-99325-2013-TECH Luo, Y
Cameron, P.; Peggs, S.; Trbojevic, D.
10/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
AGS Main Magnets Moved and BPM Survey Summer 2003 AD BNL-99326-2013-TECH Spataro, C
Ahrens, L.; Harvey, M.; Mroczkowski, T.; Karl, F.X ...
10/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Simulations of Bunch Merging in Booster AD BNL-99327-2013-TECH Gardner, C
10/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
The Effect of the Booster Injection Foil on Emitta ... AD BNL-99328-2013-TECH Zeno, K
10/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
SixTrack Running Environment in Godzilla AD BNL-99317-2013-TECH Toms, R
09/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Notes on Orbit Equations in the AGS AD BNL-99315-2013-TECH Gardner, C
09/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Linear Coupling Parameterization in the betatron p ... AD BNL-99316-2013-TECH Luo, Y
09/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Matching the Cold AGS Snake to the AGS Lattice AD BNL-99318-2013-TECH Luccio, A
Roser, T.
09/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Comments on Simplified Treatment of Intrabeam Scat ... AD BNL-99319-2013-TECH Fedotov, A
09/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
The Crystal Collimation System of the Relativistic ... AD BNL-99321-2013-TECH Fliller, R
09/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Results From The RHIC PC CNI Polarimeter for 2003 AD BNL-99322-2013-TECH Jinnouchi, O
09/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Design of an Interaction Region for the Electron-L ... AD BNL-99323-2013-TECH Montag, C
09/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Tracking Tests for the SNS Fast Injection Bump Pow ... AD BNL-105707-2014-TECH Eng, W
Lambiase, R.; Lee, Y.Y.; Meng, W.; McGahern, W.; P ...
08/25/04 09/17/14 PDF File
Na¿ve KOPIO neutral beam dump simulation studies ( ... AD BNL-105874-2014-TECH Yip, K
08/24/04 09/16/14 PDF File
3rd order resonance at RHIC injection AD BNL-99314-2013-TECH Toms, R
08/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Comparison of Off-line IR Bump and Action-Angle Ki ... AD BNL-99311-2013-TECH Luo, Y
Pilat, F.; Ptitsyn, V.; Trbojevic, D.; Wei, J.
08/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
HOM Coupler Measurement and Simulation AD BNL-99312-2013-TECH Zhao, Y
Hahn, H.
08/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Principle of Global Decoupling on the Ramp AD BNL-99313-2013-TECH Luo, Y
Pilat, F.; Trbojevic, D.; Roser, T.; Wei, J.
08/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Secondary Electron Emission Measurements for Tin c ... AD BNL-105706-2014-TECH He, P
Hseuh, H.C.; Todd, R.
07/19/04 09/17/14 PDF File
Uniform Beam Distributions at the Target of the NS ... AD BNL-99305-2013-TECH Tsoupas, N
Bellavia, S.; Bonati, R.; Brown, K.; I-HungChiang; ...
07/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Skew Quadrupole Modulation to Measure Global Betat ... AD BNL-99309-2013-TECH Luo, Y
Cameron, P.; Lee, R.; Marusic, A.; Pilat, F.; Trbo ...
07/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
AGS Sextupole Error Part II AD BNL-99310-2013-TECH Hutchinson, L
Glenn, W.
07/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Quad Trim Winding Interconnection on 21Q40 Half Ce ... AD BNL-105705-2014-TECH Lambiase, R
06/02/04 09/17/14 PDF File
Use of maps in the exploration of electron cloud p ... AD BNL-99304-2013-TECH Iriso, U
Peggs, S.
06/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Design of an Interaction Region for the Electron-I ... AD BNL-99307-2013-TECH Montag, C
Parker, B.; Tepikian, S.; Wang, D.
06/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Beam-Beam Studies For The Electron-Ion Collider ER ... AD BNL-99306-2013-TECH Montag, C
06/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Feasibility Study of a 1.5-GeV Proton FFAG in the ... AD BNL-99308-2013-TECH Ruggiero, A
06/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Impedance Measurements of the SNS Extraction Kicke ... AD BNL-105704-2014-TECH Hahn, H
05/10/04 09/17/14 PDF File
Quadrupole First RHIC Interaction Regions AD BNL-99303-2013-TECH Tepikian, S
Peggs, S.
05/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Specifications for the Extraction Kicker TiN Coati ... AD BNL-105703-2014-TECH Blaskiewicz, M
04/30/04 09/17/14 PDF File
Secondary Emission Enhanced Photoinjector AD BNL-99300-2013-TECH Ben-Zvi, I
Chang, X.; Johnson, P.D.; Kewisch, J.; Rao, T.S.
04/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Electron Cloud Phase Transitions AD BNL-99298-2013-TECH Iriso, U
Peggs, S.
04/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Cancellation of the Chromatic Effects with proper ... AD BNL-99299-2013-TECH Ruggiero, A
04/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
A reformulation of intrabeam scattering theory AD BNL-99301-2013-TECH Parzen, G
04/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Review of Options for the SCL for the AGS Upgrade AD BNL-99302-2013-TECH Ruggiero, A
04/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Particle Distribution at Injection Dump for Off No ... AD BNL-105702-2014-TECH Raparia, D
04/01/04 09/17/14 PDF File
Path Length through Helical Snakes and Rotators AD BNL-99291-2013-TECH MacKay, W
03/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Concepts for CAPACITIVELY RF SHIELDED BELLOWS in ... AD BNL-99292-2013-TECH Zhao, Y
Hahn, H.
03/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
eRHIC Zeroth - Order Design Report AD BNL-99293-2013-TECH Farkhondeh, M
Ptitsyn, V.
03/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Hadron Beam Emittance Growth Due to Electron Beam ... AD BNL-99294-2013-TECH Montag, C
03/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Transverse coupling impedance of the AGS A5 Inject ... AD BNL-99296-2013-TECH Hahn, H
Zhang, W.
03/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Observations on background in PHOBOS and related e ... AD BNL-99297-2013-TECH Rumolo, G
Fischer, W.
03/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
1.5-GeV FFAG Accelerator for the AGS Facility AD BNL-99289-2013-TECH Ruggiero, A
Blaskiewicz, M.; Courant, E.; Trbojevic, D.; Tsoup ...
02/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Calculations of the Focusing Properties of a 7% Pa ... AD BNL-99286-2013-TECH Tsoupas, N
02/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
A method to measure the focusing properties (R. Ma ... AD BNL-99287-2013-TECH Tsoupas, N
02/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
eRHIC Pressure Rise and Electron Cloud AD BNL-99290-2013-TECH Zhang, S
02/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Mechanism of Electron Multipacting with Long-Bunch ... AD BNL-105701-2014-TECH Wang, L
Blaskiewicz, M.; Wei, J.; Ohmi, K.; Macek, R.
01/16/04 09/17/14 PDF File
Plasma Micro-Stability Analysis for the RHIC Elect ... AD BNL-99282-2013-TECH Hershcovitch, A
01/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Longitudinal Stochastic Cooling Power Requirements ... AD BNL-99283-2013-TECH Wei, J
Blaskiewicz, M.; Brennan, M.
01/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Beam Profile Measurements and PIN Diode Calibratio ... AD BNL-99284-2013-TECH Flillerlll, R
Drees, A.
01/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Design of an Interaction Region for the Linac-Ring ... AD BNL-99285-2013-TECH Montag, C
Kewisch, J.; Ben-Zvi, I.
01/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Tracking through a Warm Helical Snake for the AGS AD BNL-99288-2013-TECH Luccio, A
01/01/04 01/29/13 PDF File
Estimate of Dose and Residual Activity in the SNS ... AD BNL-105700-2014-TECH Ludewig, H
Simos, N.; Davino, D.; Cousineau, S.; Catalan-Lash ...
12/30/03 09/17/14 PDF File
Effect of Cable Length on BLM Signal Rise Time AD BNL-105699-2014-TECH Witkover, R
Chaofeng, M.
12/10/03 09/17/14 PDF File
Eigenvalues of the One-Turn Matrix AD BNL-99278-2013-TECH Luccio, A
DImperio, N.L.
12/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Rigidity Magnetic Field, and Inflector Voltage Bas ... AD BNL-99277-2013-TECH Gardner, C
12/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Vector Potential for a Single Helical Current Cond ... AD BNL-99279-2013-TECH Tominaka, T
12/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Cold AGS Snake Optimization by Modeling AD BNL-99280-2013-TECH Luccio, A
Gupta, R.; MacKay, W.W.; Roser, T.
12/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Simulation of Proton Therapy Treatment Verificatio ... AD BNL-99274-2013-TECH Beebe-Wang, J
Vaska, P.; Dilmanian, F.A.; Peggs, S.G.; Schlyer, ...
11/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Fundamental Limits to Stereotactic Proton Therapy AD BNL-99273-2013-TECH Peggs, S
11/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Dose/Sensitivity in Proton Computer Tomography AD BNL-99272-2013-TECH Satogata, T
Sadrozinski, H.F.-W.; Dilmanian, A.; Peggs, S.; Ru ...
11/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Beam Scrubbing for RHIC Polarized Proton Operation ... AD BNL-99275-2013-TECH Zhang, S
Fischer, W.; Huang, H.; Roser, T.
11/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Analysis from Beam Studies with BTA Stripping Foil ... AD BNL-99276-2013-TECH Marr, G
Ahrens, L.; Thieberger, P.; Zeno, K.
11/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Magnetic Field Calculations for a Large Aperture N ... AD BNL-105690-2014-TECH Tsoupas, N
Jackson, J.; Lee, Y.Y.; Raparia, D.; Wei, J.
10/13/03 09/17/14 PDF File
Electron Cloud Observations at RHIC in Run-3 (2002 ... AD BNL-99281-2013-TECH Iriso, U
10/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Booster Fault Study No. 16: Deuteron Beam on the B ... AD BNL-99266-2013-TECH Ahrens, L
Brown, K.A.; Gardner, C.J.
10/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Booster Fault Study No. 17: Proton Beam on the D6 ... AD BNL-99267-2013-TECH Brown, K
Gardner, C.J.
10/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Stabilization of the Plate Current in Vacuum Tube ... AD BNL-99268-2013-TECH Zheng, S
Keane, J.; Meth, M.; Spitz, R.; Zaltsman, A.
10/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Gain-Bandwith Product of Power Grid Tubes and Appl ... AD BNL-99269-2013-TECH Meth, M
Zaltsman, A.
10/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Bunch Patterns and Pressure Rise in RHIC AD BNL-99270-2013-TECH Fischer, W
Iriso-Ariz, U.
10/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
FY03 Polarized Proton Ramp Optics Analysis AD BNL-99271-2013-TECH vanZeijts, J
10/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Interpretation of Coupling Impedance Bench Measure ... AD BNL-105698-2014-TECH Hahn, H
09/24/03 09/17/14 PDF File
Mechanism of Electron Cloud Clearing with Electrod ... AD BNL-105697-2014-TECH Wang, L
Raparia, D.; Wei, J.
09/18/03 09/17/14 PDF File
The SNS IPM Focusing Magnet and Correctors AD BNL-105696-2014-TECH Connolly, R
09/05/03 09/17/14 PDF File
SNS BLM Signal Calibration Constants AD BNL-105695-2014-TECH Witkover, R
09/02/03 09/17/14 PDF File
Experiment Background in RHIC Deuteron-Gold Run AD BNL-99259-2013-TECH Zhang, S
09/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Comments on the Operation of the RHIC CNI Polarime ... AD BNL-99264-2013-TECH Spinka, H
09/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Computer Aided Design of Stub Tuners for Impedance ... AD BNL-99258-2013-TECH Zheng, S
Brennan, J.M.
09/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Analysis of Polarimeter Data for the 2001-2002 RHI ... AD BNL-99260-2013-TECH Spinka, H
09/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Dependence of the Production Yields of Positron Em ... AD BNL-99261-2013-TECH Beebe-Wang, J
Peggs, S.; Smith, L.
09/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Linear and Non Linear Studies at RHIC Interaction ... AD BNL-99262-2013-TECH Cardona, J
09/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Study of Higher Order Modes in High Current Multic ... AD BNL-99263-2013-TECH Calaga, R
et al.
09/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Identification and Correction of the Skew Sextupol ... AD BNL-99265-2013-TECH Hutchinson, E
Glenn, J.W.
09/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
SNS Beam Loss Monitor Calibration Facility AD BNL-105694-2014-TECH Witkover, R
Gassner, D.; Leng, Y.
08/27/03 09/17/14 PDF File
Momentum Painting in SNS Accumulator Ring AD BNL-105693-2014-TECH Blaskiewicz, M
08/25/03 09/17/14 PDF File
Porting the UAL SXF Parser to a Windows Platform AD BNL-105692-2014-TECH Malitsky, Y
08/22/03 09/17/14 PDF File
Kicker Pulse Width Requirements for the Injection ... AD BNL-99256-2013-TECH Gardner, C
08/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Beam Based Polarity Check of the Booster Sextupole ... AD BNL-99257-2013-TECH Gardner, C
08/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Some Useful Linear Coupling Approximations AD BNL-99253-2013-TECH Gardner, C
07/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Beam-optic design considerations for a single-hit ... AD BNL-99255-2013-TECH Theiberger, P
07/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Island Resonances AD BNL-105691-2014-TECH Parzen, G
06/13/03 09/17/14 PDF File
Spin Tracking in RHIC with one Full Snake and one ... AD BNL-99252-2013-TECH Luccio, A
06/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Robust linear coupling correction with N-turn maps ... AD BNL-99250-2013-TECH Fischer, W
06/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
NEG Coating at RHIC AD BNL-99251-2013-TECH Zhang, S
Hseuh, H.C.; Roser, T.
06/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Parallel Ion Energy Spread Due to Interaction With ... AD BNL-99254-2013-TECH Hershcovitch, A
06/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File
Programming the New Sextupole Strings in Booster AD BNL-99248-2013-TECH Gardner, C
05/01/03 01/29/13 PDF File